security tips

How to Get Into Cybersecurity

Joel Aviad Ossi
14 October, 2022

How to Get Into Cybersecurity

Are you searching to learn how to break into cybersecurity? Search no further! This article is for you. It covers everything you need to know about getting into cybersecurity, including the state of the industry, requirements, how to land a high-paying job, certifications, skills required, cybersecurity career path, and more.

The demand for cybersecurity professionals has been growing, and this trend is expected to continue. According to a projection by Grand View Research, the cybersecurity market is expected to grow to $372.04 billion by 2028  - from a value of $179.96 billion in 2021.

Consequently, the need for cybersecurity specialists is expected to continue to rise. The number of unfilled cybersecurity jobs increased by about 350%, from 1 million jobs in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021. And Cybersecurity Ventures believes there will be up to 3.5 million cybersecurity openings in 2025.

There is no better time to break into cybersecurity than now. Best of all, all the tools and resources you need to build a successful career in this field are readily accessible. That said, read on to learn what is expected of you and how to get started.

Is Cybersecurity a Good Career path?

Cybersecurity is a lucrative career to enter right now. This is because there is a rising demand for specialists with these skills. With many countries having a deficit of employees, the industry has a very great and promising career outlook. As expected, digital security professionals are well-paid. The annual salary depends on the type of position, skill level, and experience.

Basic Educational Requirements for Cybersecurity Jobs

You don't necessarily need a bachelor's degree in digital security or a related field to get an excellent job in this space. Cybersecurity is a vast field with a wide variety of job roles. The educational requirements vary based on the role or position you are considering.

But generally, you can get started and become successful - if you put in the work - even if you don't have technical experience. Entry-level jobs do not demand a bachelor's degree in IT, cybersecurity, or a related industry. 

That said, higher positions or roles may have a bachelor's degree or a master's degree as the minimum requirement. For example, an executive position like the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) requires a bachelor's degree in security or related fields and a few years of experience. 

When looking for someone to fill such a high-end, sensitive position, big companies prefer people with at least a Master's degree.

Whether you have a degree or not, you need certifications to become successful in this field. Certifications help you learn faster and improve your chances of landing great jobs. Our recommended certificate programs are outlined in the latter part of this article.

How to Land a Great Cybersecurity Job

Primarily, you need three major things:

  • A good resume
  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills

A Good Resume

Here is a list of things to add to your resume to make it more appealing:

  • Add your 'Certificates'
  • Add your 'Achievements / CVE Numbers'
  • Add your 'Bug Bounty Profiles'
  • Add your 'Coding Portfolio'
  • Add your volunteer work if Any
  • Add any References
  • Ask for feedback from others and update your resume regularly

It is not a problem if you don't have these yet. But try to work towards getting them, either during a traineeship or in your spare time.

It will take a lot of time, practice, and commitment. If you put in the hard work, within two years, you should have something that looks like this:
How to Get Into CybersecurityHow to Get Into Cybersecurity
Soft Skills: Your Norms and Values!

Becoming a cybersecurity professional takes a lot. And only those willing to work hard and smart get to the 'gold mine.' While hacking a computer is not too difficult to learn, knowing how to hack won't get you the job.

It is a combination of several skills that shape a person into a security specialist. Here are the essential things to know about the expectations of a cybersecurity company:

  1. Integrity: To work with client information systems and company secrets, a security specialist should be trustworthy. A criminal record could significantly decrease the chances of acquiring a position in cybersecurity.

A Certificate of Good Conduct is mandatory in almost every serious cybersecurity organization.

So, it does not matter how experienced you are in the subject of information security. Suppose you did something naughty, such as a conviction for computer hacking. In that case, you will most likely not be able to obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct for a job in cybersecurity.

It can take a decade to earn your Integrity back, and in some countries where it is considered a 'Federal Offense,' it could stick forever unless you get a presidential pardon. So, do not get yourself in trouble. Avoid unethical hacking and other unlawful activities. Stay Ethical!

  1. A Hacking Mindset: Sticking to software that other organizations or people made, like Metasploit, Sqlmap, and Nmap, will NOT make you a cybersecurity expert. There is more to it! It can help you get familiar with the concepts, protocols, methods, and principles, but it will only get you a traineeship or junior position.

Companies care about your mindset as much as your skills and experience. Mastering thought processes known as the 'hackers mindset' or 'out-of-the-box' thinking is what makes someone a true talent. This is a rare attribute because it takes a lot of passion for developing this mindset. You could say that one needs to love cybersecurity to be an expert.

Of course, you can still learn to think like a hacker, but this will never be the same as someone genuinely passionate about security.

3. Practice Makes Perfect: Having a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity or a related field is not a hard requirement in security. But it is highly appreciated. A degree can increase your starting wage and improves your chances of being hired.

Security Companies are looking for people who are 'Easy Learners.' Security might not suit you if you are afraid of going outside your comfort zone to learn. It is not a problem if you do not know much about security. However, it would be best if you put in a lot of work to excel. Self-development is a must! To give you an example:

Let us say you applied for a job and were rejected. Six months later, you applied again with the same resume - no improvement. Obviously, this would result in another rejection.

Imagine that within these six months, you gained 2 CVE numbers, made five new GitHub Projects, earned 3 Bug Bounties, and obtained two certifications. Well, this shows commitment - which changes everything. So make sure to Always develop yourself!

  1. Teamwork and Communication: Many companies have soft-skills expectations. In addition to being capable of the technical aspect of the job, they also want to know if you will fit within the team and communicate in a non-toxic and understandable way with your colleagues and the stakeholders.

To figure out if you fit in the team, they could ask you several questions during the job interview, such as 'What are your strengths and weaknesses?', 'How do you respond to criticism/feedback?` and 'Did you work in the past in a team?' or 'Do you mostly work by yourself or in a team?'

You can't train for these questions, as it is about your personality. It is advisable to answer them as honestly as possible. If you are resourceful, the interviewer will see what you have to offer in your answers.

But you can give better answers to those interview questions if you understand why they ask them. 

Here are a few tips:

Think quick, don't be a snail
Whenever you take too much time to think of your answer, it shows that you don't know yourself well or could give a nervous first impression. So, be prepared as much as possible before the interview (Lookup the owner's name, the company's start, the number of employees they have, mission, vision, and goals).

It is not bad to think about your decisions but make sure you do it prepared, for instance; prepare a glass of water next to you and drink a little each time you need a moment to think instead of repeating ‘uhmm’ every few seconds.

The best weakness is also a strength
If you can name a weakness that is also a strength, such as 'perfectionism,' this would always be better than saying something like, 'I'm often late.'

Dress appropriately
Do not wear a t-shirt. Wear some formal clothes and groom any beard/hair. As some companies might contract you to their clients, a fresh/young appearance might be something they look at during an interview.

Watch your vocal speed
Do not talk too fast. Let everyone finish speaking before replying.
While its good to see your enthusiasm be careful not to get over excited, the best behavior is a neutral behavior.  Speaking too fast could result in mistakes or could give the impression that you act before you think which is a negative thing and sometimes even disrespectful.

Keep it simple
The people you talk with don't always understand the technical part, so try to explain complex subjects. Not being able to explain something easily could be an indication that you are not capable of speaking with stakeholders which is something that many large companies demand.

Remain professional
Do not curse or use any street language. Some interviews have a very informal vibe, but they are still job interviews. Even if the interviewers themselves use slang, you should always remain professional.

Hard Skills: Your technical knowledge


To get a job in security, many companies, if not all, will ask if you have any certifications - most commonly the OSCP and CEH certificates. Depending on how you wish to proceed with your career in security, here are the certification paths as recommended by WebSec:

Position: Pentester

Position: Cloud Security Specialist 
Certificates: CEH,CCSP, AZ-500, SCS-C01

Security Analyst
Certificates: CEH, SC-200, GIAC GCIH, E-CSA

Position: Security Manager
Certificates: CEH, CISSP or CISA & CISM

Position: Security Officer 
Certificates: CEH, E-CCISO, CISSP or CISA & CISM, Years of working experience as a Security Manager

Major Tech Skills Needed for Cybersecurity Jobs

Programming is a core cybersecurity skill you need to break into the industry. We have listed some popular programming languages that security specialists use.

  1. Python: This popular, open-source scripting language makes it relevant in the security industry. Python is often used to create proof-of-concept exploits.
  2. Golang: This language could be useful as many security tools are developed in this language.
  3. Javascript: A modern language on the web. Understanding this technology very well could boost your skill level significantly and could help you build more sophisticated proof of concepts.
  4. C: This low-level language can be used to create almost anything, therefore its one of the best languages to know however it is more complicated then most average (more modern) coding languages.
  5. C++: It is an improvement on C. Just like C, it helps you create complicated software and is capable of many complicated software development tasks.
  6. Assembly: Ideal for reverse engineering and writing exploits for embedded systems!
  7. Powershell: Understanding Powershell is important since attackers deploy it to gain access to systems. 
  8. Java: A popular language that has stood the test of time. It has a wide range of use cases, including conducting pen testing and building penetration testing programs.
  9. PHP: Considered the most popular server-side language, it is a language worth learning for code review purposes.


Getting into cybersecurity is easier now than ever. You can leverage free resources online to acquire the necessary skills. Given the millions of unfilled jobs globally, it is difficult to be unemployed when you have the skills required.

There are three primary learning paths: self-study, going back to college, and going to a cybersecurity bootcamp. Each course has pros and cons. Evaluate your options and get started with the determination to work hard till you achieve your career goals.

Note that getting a bachelor's or a Master's degree in cybersecurity or a related field is great. Consider this option if you intend to become a high-end security specialist for leading companies.

Are you ready for a career in Cybersecurity? Visit our jobs page for available careers or submit an open application, Good luck!

Authored By
Joel Aviad Ossi

Managing Director

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Authored By
Joel Aviad Ossi

Managing Director